Sunday, January 11, 2009

Survived the Abel Tasman!!!

Hey guys I just have about 4 minutes left before my internet runs out!
I survived the Abel Tasman kayak/hiking trip. A whole pod of dolphins (at least a dozen) swam right up to and under our kayaks! It was so cool! (I was thinking about how it was Julia's relatives the whole time haha). The hikes were challenging, and pushed me a lot, I was definitely a little sore by the end, but huge feeling of accomplishment when finished for sure!!! It was beautiful and I can't wait to show you all pictures.! We've been having fantastic weather, 70s and 80s, we've had basically no rain besides that first day, so it's glorious!!! I know it's the coldest week of the year back home, so sorry I'm missing it!
We went white water rafting today and it was tons and tons of fun! I'm going to try to get on tomorrow but I don't have anny more coins to put in the machine!!
Love and miss you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Liz Glad all is well, I wrote a long response but it was erased (bummer) somehow due to a user profile error. glad all is well and that you are adventuring, keep it up.

    I was in NZ when I was 20 and toured Abel Tasmann (but not by boat), beautiful place.

    Serena and I are getting married August 15th, so if you want to take another trip, travel to the Klamath Mountains of Northern California.

    Keep me posted. (

    Your Cousin Michael Max Hentz
