I've been out of the country to Mexico and Jamaica, but never anywhere on a different continent...so this should be an experience! One that I'm very much looking forward to!
I don't know what I'm going to do being away from my horse for a month, I
'm used to not seeing my family/my friends for that long, but I've never been away from my horse this long, and I can't exactly talk to her on the phone, so that's my biggest worry is that something will happen to her when I'm gone...but I'm a worrywart when it comes to my baby (still talking about the horse) so that's normal I guess.

(Had to put a picture of my girl, she's just too cute not too, seriously, who could resist that face?)
But she'll be just fine, Cindy and Erin and all the barn girls are looking after her so I know she's in good hands...but still, I'm going to be going through serious horse withdrawls... hopefully people won't be too insulted when the first thing I want to do when I get home is say hi to my dogs then get my butt out to the barn to see my horse! Haha
Trust me, the month will go by so fast you won't have time to remember you have a horse. Happy new year!